Clinical Supervision

As a therapist, I have always appreciated and looked forward to clinical supervision – to be able to take time to review my own practice and further develop my skills and awareness; reflect more deeply about the dynamics between myself and my clients; to be vulnerable in a supportive relationship where I can trust my supervisor to understand the context of my work.

Since qualifying as a supervisor myself, I am grateful to have the opportunity to provide all that in turn to my supervisees.


Much like therapy, a supportive relationship between supervisee and supervisor is crucial for effective supervision. I will collaborate with you to co-create a relationship that will support your practice. As the supervisee, you will set the agenda for our work together – as your supervisor, I will help you prioritise what is most important. I will offer you time and space to:

  • pause and slow down
  • reflect with depth on your relationships with clients
  • work with areas that feel ‘stuck’, both for yourself and within the client’s process
  • review and consolidate your skills
  • consider areas for development and learning
  • when you are learning new therapeutic modalities, a chance to review this learning and integrate this into your practice
  • enhance your confidence and creativity in your practice by giving time to reflect on successful interventions and outcomes with your clients
  • consider the impact of your work on you (mind, body, spirit) and how you are taking care of yourself

All in the service of the people we are supporting.

“Supervision is an opportunity to bring someone back to their own mind, to show them how good they can be”*

Nancy Kline


As a supervisor, I have over 15 years’ experience of working with individuals, groups and teams in the care & support and social housing sectors. I have transformed that experience through the process of gaining a Certificate in Supervision at the Centre for Supervision and Training Development (CSTD) and now offer clinical supervision to both students and experienced therapists. It is my pleasure to work with supervisees from diverse backgrounds, working in a variety of settings and with different modalities. This includes qualified therapists in private practice; student trainees on placement; and therapists in teams, working within the complexity of multiple relationships between the organisation,

My Approach

Using CSTD’s seven eyed model as the framework, my priority is to support the supervisee’s work within their own modality. Additionally, and in accordance with the supervisee’s interest and agreement, I offer my experience in other approaches gained from my own therapy practice and training: trauma-informed, humanistic modalities, psychodynamic, inner child and parts work, and somatic practices such as mindfulness and inner somatic experiencing. Supervision can therefore be varied and multi-framed. For example, we might:

  • discuss concepts such as transference within your relationships with clients
  • explore our own embodied experiences during supervision to gain deeper illumination into the dynamic in the therapy room
  • give you space to practice new techniques learned from ongoing CPD as you experiment with integrating these into your approach
  • I might offer constructive feedback, helpful challenges and questions to support you to reframe situations where you feel stuck

I am mindful of ethical issues, supporting you to consider how your own ethics and principles apply to your work, and / or the ethical frameworks of your membership body (as applicable).

For trainee therapists, I am happy to complete the training organisation or placement’s administrative requirements; as well as supporting qualified therapists who are setting up their Private Practice. As the supervisee’s experience grows, I can provide input for professional accreditation applications.

Particular areas of interest

As a therapist, I work with people who are preparing for or integrating experiences of working with psychedelics (in a variety of settings, such as therapeutic, spiritual, recreational or clinical trials). I am therefore interested in providing supervision to other therapists who are working in this field.

Also, as mentioned above, I have many years’ experience of working with teams within the third sector, including charities, voluntary and social care organisations. I am therefore also interested in providing clinical supervision for staff within such organisations who are working in various contexts with vulnerable client groups, other professional stakeholders and care & support environments.

My own support

I am an accredited registered therapist with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy  and work in line with BACP’s ethical framework and my therapeutic practice is supported by my own regular integrative and trauma-informed supervision, as well as my personal mindfulness and somatic practices.

“[Supervision] is a compassionate, appreciative inquiry…in supervision we rewrite the stories of our own practice. It wakes us up to what we are doing.”*

Sheila Ryan

Work with me

If you would like to discuss starting supervision with me, do please contact me to book in a free 20 minutes consultation. During this appointment, we will explore what you would like from supervision and the frequency that will best support your practice. I offer flexibility in regards to frequency of appointments (e.g. fortnightly, monthly etc) and length of supervision sessions (such as 60 or 90 minutes).

If you decide to start supervision with me, we can discuss your requirements and agree an arrangement that meets your needs. We will then contract into a professional arrangement through a Supervision Agreement which will set out expectations regarding tasks, roles and responsibilities, including confidentiality and data handling. As we develop our work together, periodically we will review our supervisory relationship to ensure you are getting what you need and both parties are happy to continue.


I offer supervision either online or on the telephone. My rate is £60 for 60 minutes of supervision for qualified therapists and £45 for trainees; the cost for longer sessions is pro rata.

Quotes *

Ryan, S. (2004). Vital Practice. Portland, USA: Sea Change Publication.