

My Privacy Policy explains how I look after and use any information you give me as a visitor to my website, when you ask about my services and if you decide to start therapy with me.  This Policy also explains your privacy rights.

Legal Requirements

I regard the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as vital and therefore ensure that personal information is treated lawfully and correctly. To this end I adhere to the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as implemented in the UK through the Data Protection Act 2018.

As a sole trader of Therapy with Fiona, I (Fiona McAlister) am the Data Controller as defined under GDPR and am registered as such with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Why I Collect Your Data

I collect your data for three reasons:

  • to communicate with you following an inquiry about my service and for the contract we will have together if you decide to start therapy with me
  • to carry out my legitimate interests in providing an effective response to your enquiry and, if you decide to work with me, the best therapy service to you
  • to comply with my legal obligation to store your data for a minimum of 7 years following your final session

Visitors to my Website

If you are visiting the Therapy with Fiona website but are not an existing or previous client, I may use the information I collect about you to reply to an enquiry you have made about my service and / or monitor the effectiveness of my website and / or other marketing activity

I collect, store and use information from our correspondence through emails, texts, phone calls and your use of my website, including your contact details. I will only use this information to respond to your specific enquiry and will never pass your details on to anyone else.

Psychotherapy Service Agreement

If you choose to start therapy with me, I will send you my Psychotherapy Service Agreement which is the contract between us and describes how we will work together. It also contains details on my Privacy Policy, including why I collect data about you and how I maintain the confidentiality of the personal data I hold about you, both whilst we are working together and after you finish therapy with me. The Policy also explains the exceptional circumstances in which I might need to share information about you with a third-party.

Your privacy rights

You have rights in relation to the data I collect and store about you. For example, you have the right to view and / or receive a copy of the personal data I store about you, correct factual errors or ask me to remove data from my records.

If you feel that I am mishandling your personal data in some way, you can raise your concerns by writing to me as the Data Controller. If you are dissatisfied with my response, you can contact the ICO for assistance.